Free Training Reveals

How To Create A Profitable Business On Social Media 

Replace Your Full Time Income While Working Remotely & Setting Your Schedule

Even If You Have No Experience And No Idea Where To Start!


Does This Sound Like You?

You feel unfilled and exhausted

The days seem to be flying by

You see everyone else doing this so it must be the norm

Growing up you were told to go to school and build a career

Then add children into the mix

"You can't have it all" a career and time for your family

Forget time for yourself! 

That is the sacrifice we make

But what if it was possible to have it all...

To have a successful business and still have control over your time and money

What if it was possible to find a purpose

Are You Ready?


What You Will Learn Inside


Automated Income

How to build a business with automation that doesn’t require a social media background


The Exact System

How to replace your full-time income while traveling the world, working remotely, or working from the comfort of your own home


Frequently Asked Questions

What's day to day like, who can do this, how long does it take to make money and more!

Who Invited You

AnnMarie Almaguer
➡Online Social Media Marketer & Coach⬅


Catch a glimpse into my story

I never hated my job. I liked working and being financially independent. I loved learning and being challenged. But then the days became routine and I was living on autopilot. I was living for the weekend, working for others, and taking care of my family. It felt like I no longer had an identity and knew if I didn't change anything nothing would change. 
I have grown a whole new skillset, become confident and am creating time and financial freedom for myself and family. 
Dreams I use to have are now in hands reach. 
But don't just take it from me...

Listen To What Others Have To Say



My name is Carly! Just like you I was so tired of trading my time for money & I was so burnout at my job. Rewind back to 2021, I was working as a vet tech for almost 10 years & I truly loved my job. I have a passion for all animals and that was my life calling. But I just didn't want to continue clocking in until I was 65+ just to make ends meet. I was underpaid and overworked. 


I knew that I wanted to start a family one day & ultimately I wanted to be home with my own animals on the farm. One day I was scrolling on social media when I came across this amazing opportunity. I had no experience & no idea what I was doing but I saw other people living my dream life and I knew I had to try it.


Fast forward to now and I have been able to quit my job, stay home on the farm and most importantly be a present mom to our growing family! It's incredible how much your life can change just from saying "yes" to one decision!



Hii friends! Let me start by saying CONGRATS on deciding to start diving into creating the life YOU desire 

I was never the type of person that knew exactly what I wanted to do when I “grew up”. I went to college because that’s what was expected of me, but even after graduating, I still had no idea what I wanted. HOW does any 23 year old know what they want for the next 45 years? They don’t!

I tried a ton of different paths, but wanted to use my degree SO badly, that I found myself in a career that not only made me miserable and Burnt Out, but had me crying every single day. I was 25 & there was NO way I was about to live this life for 40 years, just for retirement..

Sooo, I quit my job and 2 days later I found myself starting a career completely online. All of a sudden my passions became my brand & my brand became my business. I was able to be ME and live my ideal lifestyle. Not the lifestyle expected of me by others.

In the last 2 years I went from unfulfilled & confused about my future to confident, passionate and killin’ it online. ALL thru this opportunity! I’ve been able to retire myself & my fiancé from corporate FOREVER, create a multiple 6 figure online business, and now travel around the U.S full time in our converted sprinter van with unlimited Time, Financial & Location Freedom!

I am forever grateful to have been given the opportunity to change my life & help so many others along the way!



Hey everyone! I’m Kristy- nice to meet you congratulations on taking a leap of faith and starting your business. They say entrepreneurship is the greatest personal development journey you will ever go on and your life can change, not only financially, but in every other area if you truly commit and go all in

I am a Faith filled, sports loving mom and wife who spent the last 24 years working my corporate 9-5. I started my biz In May of 2021 after I decided that I didn’t want to spend another 25+ years working for someone else’s dream. Finding a path to early retirement, freedom and more passion/fulfillment was key for me.

I was approaching the age of 40, my kids were growing up before my eyes and I knew if I didn’t make a change -nothing would ever change

Not having any clue as to what I was doing, and being scared of the technical skills I thought I needed to start the business I dove in headfirst and fell in love with this business, products and my new journey!

I did $50k in sales in my first 60 days of starting all organically offline as I focused on building my business online and started to run ads.

I hit my first 5 figure month 18 months into my biz which was incredible because I never had a 5 figure month in management at my 20+ corporate job. I hit 6A in May 2024 and always knew I would go all the way in this biz! I still feel like I’m just getting started

I have kept Jesus front and center and say God is the CEO of my business, I am just down here on earth running it I truly love helping people and this business has allowed me to do that which in turn has blessed me and my family.

My best piece of advice is to enjoy the journey, have massive belief and take massive action & if you do it will be the best decision you ever made! See you at the top